This rule is great and can belong to a new category. I just do not know yet which one (or how to name it appropriately).
This is an expression not accepted in all references, so I suggest to add it only after a good category definition is found, since adding it is controversial.
Most writers (me included) do not use that form of the expression. Also on “our” weather agency:
Notice that both expressions are used interchangeably in the page.
As a suggestion, “Expressões controversas não aceites por todos os linguístas”?
Yes. That is an really bad category name. I have seen a similar “Expressões não aceites em todos os dicionários”, but it would not apply, it is grammar, and it is equally large.
My other idea is to add both options as suggestions and it can be added to the regular grammar section. Maybe with this URL, that explains both options: