[pt] Rule: para o domingo de hoje > para este domingo - 2022-04-06

Hello @rjlima

What about a rule for weekdays, using the new CLARITY tag?

Replacing “de hoje” with “esta/este”.

“Para o domingo de hoje” → “Para este domingo”

“Para a segunda-feira de hoje” → “Para esta segunda-feira”

Do you think it is a good rule?


Ahhhh… I guess I can’t use yet the CLARITY tag, since only after the nightly it will be available as a valid tag.

Hi, for the Brazilian I guess it won’t be very useful for this construction, if attested, is rarely used, but if it is ok for other varieties, so yes it may be worth trying it.

Yes, it is rarely used.

I only came up with the idea because I was writing an e-mail and wrote in it that way.



I have just coded it:

It only produces one hit in 600 000 sentences.

I have attached 0.txt to the GitHub comment.

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