Run localhost languagetool-server with ssl

I am new here.
I have a question. How to simply run localhost languagetool-server with ssl? I want to use this plugin with my localhost server and https websites but I get error that you can see below.

BTW. Do I need to create for each computer a different CERTIFICATE and KEY?

Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ‘http://localhost:8081/v2/check’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

i tend to believe you have to make changes to your ’ lt.cfg’ file by applying keystore and PEM certificates. With a vague memory, it would be safe that you search for ’ https’ throughout this forum, because I run into an identical use case, I have done some research using this forum.

An SSL certificate depends on a domain, so if “localhost” is your domain, you’d need an SSL cert for that. I’m not sure though - if everything is running on your local machine, there’s not much need for SSL encryption?