Scribus plugin

Hi all, I’ve been using LanguageTool for most of this year, and it’s been an absolute lifesaver—particularly as I’m writing a book. But I’m having to double-handle my text to check for spelling and grammar, copying it from the Scribus text editor into the online LanguageTool editor, then copy-pasting it back into Scribus. This is awkward because it’s a coffee-table history book on a company and its products, so it’s got lots of individual text blocks for photos and notes, as well as the main text for each chapter.

Is there, or are there plans for, a Scribus plugin? This would be outstanding if there was. I note it was on the old wiki pages as a medium-term development item but haven’t found any references to it here in the forums.

Cheers, Steve

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Sorry, there are no specific plans to support Scribus. We offer an API which would allow a potential add-on developer (if Scribus supports add-ons) to add support.

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Ok, thank you Daniel.