You see the same question on every forum but I still can’t find the answer in my case
LanguageTool has started to some text with ‘strange characters’ . The characters in question are in fact French acccented words that I have left in an English text as they are French names
But my .txt document that I’m checking is encoded in UTF-8 and I don’t think I had this problem in the past.
How can I deal with this as all the accented words cause false alarms.
LanguageTool has started to some text with ‘strange characters’ . The
characters in question are in fact French acccented words that I have
left in an English text as they are French names
Can you give an actual example? I cannot reproduce a problem with
French words in an English text.
Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to this
Here are a few lines from LanguageTool where the French accents left in an English text (as they are names), are displayed with strange characters
Underneath each entry, I have pasted the same text as it appears in the text that was loaded into LanguageTools (a text file encoded in UTF 8 that displays perfectly in Notepad ++)