Hello Daniel
Hope you are well.
Im not quite sure what you mean by a format you can import directly into
You could burn the subtitles into your video but I dont know how to do
The srt format is actually just a txt format with a standard way of showing
The advantage is that if you can find anyone to translate the English into
other languages, I can re-upload their translation and as long as they have
NOT touched the time slots, the new translation will be syncronised with the
video immediately.
It would be nice to have it in some non European languages for users whose
mother tongue is very different to English and who may not understand spoken
English well, however clear it is.
I have attached the srt format but if you wanted something else that I did
not quite understand, just send me an email.
Sorry that Ive never been able to help you in other ways but Im still
useless at regex and similar (I use LT occasionally but as much of my work
is in non-standard txt formats, pdf, xliff, xml etc, I cant always use LT
If I can help you in other ways, feel free to ask J
Dave Neve for
logo-safetex Better safe than sorry
PROZ Profile : http://www.proz.com/translator/1405669
PROZ points : http://www.proz.com/translator/1405669?popup=kudoz
See also : http://dailynord.fr/category/dailynord-en-anglais/
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De : dnaber [via LanguageTool User Forum]
Envoyé : samedi 19 juillet 2014 13:40
À : SafeTex
Objet : Re: Subtited video on line of LT
Thanks! Could you provide the subtitles, preferably in a format that I can
import directly to YouTube?
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