Temperature conversion rule when there is a range

This is with picky mode on.

This sentence will get flagged because 18C != 82 F
· Ambient temperature: 18°C (82.4°F)

But this sentence will also get flagged, it think because it compares 28C to 64F (proximity).
· Ambient temperature: 18°C to 28°C (64.4°F to 82.4°F)

Something in the nature of a range check, comparing match 1 to match 3, match 2 to match 4.
([+-]?\d+(?:[,.]\d+)?)°C?(?:(?:\s?(?:~|~|-|–|—)\s?)| to )([+-]?\d+(?:[,.]\d+)?)°C (([+-]?\d+(?:[,.]\d+)?)°F?(?:(?:\s?(?:~|~|-|–|—)\s?)| to )([+-]?\d+(?:[,.]\d+)?)°F)