The LanguageTool Safari add-on makes my laptop go much slower

The LanguageTool Safari add-on makes my laptop go much slower. Do you know anything I can do in order to make it not slow down my computer performance?


Our developers are aware and investigating into the performance issue that is being caused with Safari 17.

In the meanwhile, we advise alternative browsers such as Chrome.

Kind regards,

Hey there, I came here to report this, for various reasons I can’t use Chrome or Firefox, what’s the ETA for this? If it helps you, I’d be happy to debug this with you.

Not sure if it is the same issue or not, but I’ve noticed a significantly higher CPU usage by Safari (latest version of macOS) when LangaudgeTool is enabled. The LanguadgeTool the CPU usage could be 20%+. If I disable it, the CPU usage drops to single digits.

PS: To use other browsers as a workaround is not an option. I prefer to use Safari.