There was a message of new texts in the plugin. When translating, I noticed what I think is an error in the text:
Auto detection for invalid numbers (e.g. IBAN, ISBN, …)
e.g. already means there is more, so the ellipsis is superfluous. In fact, I consider an ellipsis a dirty way to un-end a sentence (but that is only taste).
And… Text is still about errors. But style errors do not exist; that is a matter of taste.
my idea: replace the ellipsis with “, etc.” (", enz." for Dutch)
It provides a clear end to a broad E.G. whereas the ellipsis could be mistaken for a pause and thus imply that it’s a narrow E.G.
P.S. I personally only end sentences with an ellipsis when implying that the speaker is being muted out.