Using JLanguageTool for multiple textareas in a Java GUI


I’m trying to replace our old spell checker and implement LanguageTool in our GUI project. Our application involves multiple textareas where we need to use this. They are not multi-threaded, i.e. only one textarea will be used at a time.

I am trying to use the gui package (org.languagetool.gui) from GitHub source, but facing huge memory issues and OutOfMemory errors. All our TextAreas are loaded during application load and I’m creating a new LanguageToolSupport object during TextArea initialization and passing the respective textarea in the constructor. This creates a huge memory overhead and stops the application load.

The only close reference to this problem I found in this forum is the following -

But the description and solution there seems very old and doesn’t refer to the usage of the GUI package. Hoping to find more help here. Thanks in advance.