Hi Guys!
I’ve already look all other post about this theme, but i can’t fix my problem.
I’m Using TexStudio 2.12.10 (lastest version) and LanguageTool 4.3 (lastest version too).
I can’t run the LanguageTool automatically when TexStudio Starts. The only way i found to LanguageTool works is:
1 - Start Manually LanguageTool.jar
2 - Configure TextStudio like that:
Server URL http://localhost:8081/
LT Path: “LanguageTool_DirectoryInstallation\languagetool.jar”
LT Arguments: org.languagetool.server.HTTPServer -p 8081
3 - Start TextStudio after LanguageTool
I’m using Windows10.
I’ve try all options to run LanguageToolServer but when i try check LanguageTool status, the TextStudio returns me:
LT Status: error.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!