Using the "Leichte Sprache" Tool via API request?

Dear all,

first of all, I want to express my gratitude for supporting translations of complex texts into simple language (Leichte Sprache).

For my recent studies, I’m currently exploring new advances in Natural Language Processing and Conversational Interfaces (Chatbots) to assist people with the translation of formal texts (from german public services) into “Leichte Sprache”.

I found a tool at the website ( that uses rules of the “Leichte Sprache” rulebook.

My first question is, if this tool is part of the API or is implemented within the LanguageTool Github Repo?

My goal would be to use the rules for feedback generation of a GPT Modell to get better results.

Thank you in advance for any support!

Hi Sebastian, you can access the rules via API at e.g. These rules are also available if you host the LT server yourself. Please note, the rules are quite limited and they haven’t been maintained for quite some time.

Dear @dnaber, thank you for the super fast response. Thats good news! We will hopefully build a prottype over the next 3 months and I would love to prepare you with some insights afterwards.

I hope this feature will get further support in the near future.