I’m getting a weird response when I try one of my own rules. Here’s the rule, and in the image the result. The difference in the two phrases seems to be the {!} which tails the NP chunk in the first sentence. I’ve searched the site but haven’t found out what it means.
<rule id="NON-USE_OF_PRESENT_PERFECT_WITH_SINCE" name="present tense + for/since">
<token postag="VBP|VBZ|VBD" postag_regexp="yes"><exception>got</exception><exception postag="VBN"/></token>
<token postag="RB|RBR|JJ|NNS|NNP|NNPS|NN:U|NN:UN|PRP|VBN" postag_regexp="yes"></token>
<token postag="PRP"></token>
<token regexp="yes">was|were</token>
<message>When we talk how long something HAS LASTED, we use the present perfect.</message>
<suggestion>have/has <match no="1" postag="VBN"/> \2 since</suggestion>