Which rules to turn off by default in the browser add-on?

The next version of the browser add-on will have some rules turned off by default that are not so useful in a web context. For example, using “these quotes” is absolutely acceptable I think. On the other hand, I hesitate to turn off all rules that relate to typography. What rules would you suggest being turned off by default for the browser add-on?

FALSCHE_VERWENDUNG_DES_BINDESTRICHS is a good candidate. It was intended as a rule for LibreOffice. Also ABKUERZUNG_LEERZEICHEN (ditto).

ABKUERZUNG_LEERZEICHEN also finds Dr.med. instead of Dr. med. which seems useful. I agree others like u.a. are annoying.

Two more candidates: AUSLASSUNGSPUNKTE and BISSTRICH. Both are nitpicky rules intended for more or less formal writing, not for everyday use.

Thanks, I’ve added both.

Moving the ones that are useful for daily in-browser use to their own rulegroup and disabling the other ones might be a pragmatic solution. These rules were meant for users who want to get their texts ready for publication, not for everyday use. I still think they are useful for use with LibreOffice, though.

I’m a bit sad about these rules being removed. For most contexts they are irrelevant but I write texts for websites at work and the add-on was very useful for replacing wrong quotation marks and such with the typographical correct ones.

But I understand that about 95 % of users will find this more bothersome than helpful.

They are not being removed, they will just be off by default. So at the bottom of the popup, you’ll see something like “These rules have been turned off and can be turned on again by click: …”

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TOO_LONG_SENTENCE. The priorities work well on Libreoffice, so no point in disabling this rule, but it is not working on he server, as it has priority over other rules (opposite to LO).
A related bug, after clicking “Ignore this type of error”, and verifying again, the errors on that area are not detected. This may affect any other rule with long markups, as well.

This message does not appear for me when I check German text with the add-on. It does appear when checking English text. Am I missing something?

It only appears when a rule that is turned off actually would have matched the text.

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