Free LT Premium for contributors

According to this forum post, contributors can get a free Premium account as a “thank you”. However, I found no information on who to contact for this.
Maybe LT Premium could even help me contribute more, since I don’t need to check if a Premium rule already applies when writing longer texts by isolating specific sentences and phrases.
On that regard: Is there a policy on contributing rules that are already (in a similar form) part of the Premium ruleset? I assume they won’t be accepted? From a non-paid prosumer perspective, that would be a little frustrating, since one wouldn’t be able to contribute such a “fix” upstream, but I don’t see good alternative procedures either.

As a contributor, you can contact our support via email and ask for a free account, referring to this thread.

There’s no policy. If somebody systematically re-implements premium rules in Open Source, we’d probably stop accepting those changes at some point.

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